Classroom Wisdom that Works: Two Powerful Books for Teachers by a Teacher

Inspire your Students, Engage your Class, Transform your Teaching!

Finally, a fellow classroom teacher details how every teacher can develop their students’ cooperation, confidence, creativity, and capabilities. Since all children require growth in these fundamental areas, these books explain how all four aspects of learning are equally important and inextricably intertwined.

Learn how every teacher can all at once capture their students’ hearts, hopes, minds, and manners through the use of positive motivation and intentional inspiration.

Through this whole-child approach, teachers attend to their student’s social, emotional, soulful, and academic needs. And because one aspect does not take precedence over another, kids feel validated, fulfilled, and emboldened to achieve their best.

By employing such a comprehensive, empowering teaching philosophy and methodology, firm, fair, fascinating facilitators win their students over and maximize each child’s potential.

Cultivate a classroom filled with willingness, wisdom, wonder, warmth, and worth!

Once teachers honor the impact that a student’s self-control, self-confidence, and self-expression has upon their self-efficacy and academic accomplishment, they see kids thrive in ways they (and their students’ parents) may have only dreamed possible. Yet such positivity and productivity are indeed attainable and through these books have been made entirely practical for teachers in any situation and at any grade level.

The Firm, Fair, Fascinating Facilitator: 

Inspire your Students, Engage your Class, Transform your Teaching


Finally become the teacher you always dreamed of—

and the teacher your students always needed

The Firm, Fair, Fascinating Facilitator is the book every educator has waited for! A current classroom teacher honestly and empathetically addresses the struggles and frustrations teachers face today, while also offering straightforward, realistic solutions and sound strategies to meet those challenges head on with renewed confidence, enthusiasm, and efficacy.

This book illustrates a commonsense, multi-dimensional teaching approach that consistently attends to the essential needs of every student by motivating them on four fundamental fronts:

Firmness provides the security, structure, and stability that engender courteous student cooperation and orderly classroom management.

Fairness fosters caring, community, and recognition that support a strong teacher-student rapport and personalized attention.

Fascination delivers passion, pertinence, and peer interaction that evoke sustained student engagement and investment.

Facilitation furnishes differentiated lessons and formative feedback that ensure increased student achievement and independence.

A firm, fair, fascinating facilitator simultaneously supplies all four of these indispensable student necessities because every child requires leadership and limits, understanding and encouragement, meaning and inspiration, as well as excellent instruction in order to reach their full potential. This book has it all because our students need it all! With its comprehensive four-books-in-one approach, this is the book every educator needs.

Available from Amazon, Barnes & Nobleand wherever books are sold.

Order directly through Rowman & Littlefield Publishers and use promo code RLEGEN17 at checkout for 20% off of your total order.


Outstanding Features of

The Teacher Tune-Up:

A Workbook and Discussion Guide for How to Become a Firm, Fair, Fascinating Facilitator

This workbook satisfies every school’s and individual teacher’s needs for yearlong, differentiated, progressive professional development, which results in all participants actively creating and sharing vital, standards-based documents that include:

Personal, professional mission statements

Plans for a smooth and calm first day of school

Clear student expectations featuring positivity, productivity, and perseverance

Comprehensive class procedures and routines

Proactive processes for when students finish their work early or a lesson runs short

The Big Ideas and Essential Questions for specific subject areas and grade levels

Strategic lesson plans that feature collaboration between multiple partners

Inquiry lessons as a means of students accessing and interacting with challenging text

Available from Amazon, Barnes & Nobleand wherever books are sold.

Order directly through Rowman & Littlefield Publishers and use promo code RLEGEN17 at checkout for 20% off of your total order.

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